G-91, Terminal G, San Francisco International Airport
Terra Glen,
110 Unit Multifamily Project Renovation, San Jose, CA
Stonebrae Club House Villas
Doc's Wine & Cheese Shop
Warner Bros. The Friends' Experience
Last Nuclear Memorial | 28.35828°N | 63.85882°E
Box Factory
Metropolis Magazine, Planet Positive Award
Fast Company - Innovation by Design
Iconic - Innovative Architecture
Iconic - Innovative Material
Zero Carbon/Zero Energy, All Electric
Rafet Na - Kafountine, Senegal
What is regenerative Arhitecture: when buildings are built by the community for the community with materials and techniques that are regional and development/construction is de-coupled from resource consumption.
Secure Connector - San Francisco International Airport
Sab Joaquin Valley
Railway Commission
Pedestrian Shelters